
I offer individual and group Music Therapy Services.

Please scroll down to find out more.

Women’s wellness

Within a safe and supported space, Music Therapy offers women the opportunity to tell their story, to gain insight and to find their voice.

Through songwriting, voice work, discussion and music meditation, Music Therapy can support women to explore issues of motherhood, relationships, life transitions, mental health and emotional wellness.

Port Music Therapy Services - Women's Wellness

Child/Adult Disability

Music Therapy aims to support participants with their personal goals through a variety of techniques such as songwriting, shared music-making, singing, drumming, improvisation, song sharing and discussion.

Music Therapy sessions are tailored to meet the needs of each participant and are deigned to support creativity, self-expression and emotional well-being.

Port Music Therapy Services - Adult Disability


Engagement in music is a wonderful way to keep both mind and body active in later life, with benefits to emotional well-being, social connection, cognitive function and physical health.

Music Therapy can support older adults as they navigate ageing and life transitions, offering creative ways to explore life narrative, reminiscence, self-expression and meaning.

Port Music Therapy Services - Ageing


The songs we love and listen to create the personal soundtrack of our lives.

Regions of the brain that deal with musical memory are relatively preserved in individuals with dementia. Because of this, music can help trigger autobiographical memories with profound benefits to a person’s sense of wellbeing, identity and belonging.

“Music evokes emotion and emotion can bring with it memory. Music brings back the feeling of life when nothing else can.”
– Dr Oliver Sacks, Neurologist

Port Music Therapy Services - Dementia


By using music in a planned and purposeful way, Music Therapy can help support communication, movement and cognitive function for individuals with conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, acquired brain injury or stroke.

Music Therapy can help a person connect to positive memories, loved ones and sense of identity, which can be especially beneficial during times of life transition and adjustment.

Port Music Therapy Services - Rehabilitation

Mental Health

Music Therapy offers a creative alternative to traditional talking therapies. Through techniques such as therapeutic songwriting, music-making, mindfulness and discussion, Music Therapy aims to provide opportunities for personal insight, creative expression and connection to self, whilst fostering wellbeing, hope and meaning.

Port Music Therapy Services - Mental Health

‘Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That’s how the light gets in’

– Leonard Cohen

Port Macquarie Music Therapy
Port Macquarie Music Therapy - Eucalyptus